6 Mistakes You Should Avoid When Cleaning Your Office Space

Additionally, a clean office boosts your business’s image and brand in the eyes of your A clean office and working space go a long way in improving your workers’ productivity. customers.

Nowadays, cleaning an office space is best left to professionals who have adequate cleaning skills and equipment. For an office with many workers, an in-house cleaner is surprisingly expensive to maintain than contracting a cleaning company.

With a single in-house cleaner, cleaning is at times done incorrectly, creating an unfavourable working environment. Incorrect cleaning routines compromise the health conditions of the workplace, putting everyone at risk.

It is imperative for janitors to be aware of the common cleaning mistakes that jeopardizes the workspace’s health standards.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss the common mistakes one should avoid when cleaning their office space.

Wrong Use of Cleaning Equipment

Different office areas should have their designated cleaning equipment to reduce the chances of spreading bacteria. However, most cleaners make the mistake of using cleaning equipment set for a particular place in a different office area.

For example, a janitor may use a mop designated to clean the bathroom floors to clean the lobby. That way, the janitor will be significantly increasing the chances or cross-contamination and spreading bacteria from the washrooms to the office’s front area. The result of such mix-up is higher risk of disease contaminations.

The best way to avoid mixing cleaning equipment is by storing them separately or using color codes for different area. You can use, say, red stickers to mark the bathroom cleaning mops and blue for the lobby mops.

Cleaning machinery, on the other hand, may pose a challenge for unskilled cleaners. Machines such as carpet steamers and vacuum cleaners need proper handling to ensure they remain functional for long.

Failing to Outsource Commercial Cleaners

Most businesses are adopting commercial cleaning services due to efficiency and professional service delivery they bring on board. Additionally, it is cheaper to contract commercial cleaners than maintaining a full-time in-house cleaner.

Commercial cleaning companies have online platforms that enable most businesses to access various services conveniently. It is now easy to get a free quote from a commercial cleaning service website from the comfort of your office.

Highly skilled cleaners working with cutting-edge cleaning equipment will ensure that your office space remains pristine and healthy.

Ignoring the Background

Most in-house cleaners usually focus their attention on cleaning the visible office areas, such as the lobby. However, dust and bacteria also accumulate in crevices and under the office furniture.

Dust accumulated under furniture will eventually find its way into the air and in electronic devices, causing significant damages over time.

Dry Dusting

Dry dusting is a common cleaning mistake that often has adverse health repercussions. Dry dusting in enclosed spaces causes respiratory problems like breathing difficulties since dust particles carry bacteria that accelerate the development of chest infections and asthma.

Furthermore, dry dusting redistributes dust particles to other surfaces inside the office, making your cleaning activities more tedious.

Thus, cleaning and health experts recommend using cleaning sprays before cleaning any dusty surfaces.

You can also use a damp cloth to prevent accumulation of dust particles on other surfaces or in the air. Ensure to wear a respiratory mask when working in dusty spaces.

Failing to Empty Vacuum Bags

Vacuum cleaners store all the dust and debris collected in a bag that requires regular emptying. Nevertheless, most cleaners forget to empty the vacuum bags and continue working the vacuum cleaner as it is.

Full vacuum bags not only risk damaging the machine, but also messing the entire place up. The vacuum bag creates a dusty mess in case it blows inside the vacuum machine.

Vacuum repairs and accessories are costly, and the only way to avoid these costs is by observing the manufacturer’s recommendation; empty the vacuum bags when they are 70-80% full.

Inadequate Staff Training

If you decide to maintain in-house cleaners, you should ensure they are properly trained; inadequately trained cleaners will cause significant equipment damage due to incorrect usage.

You might have to engage a professional cleaning company that will train your cleaning staff on proper equipment handling and storage methods, use of modern cleaning solutions, and maintaining professionalism at work.


The common cleaning mistakes discussed above contribute highly to unconducive working environments, often causing significant drops in your worker’s overall productivity. Engage a reputable commercial cleaning company to help mitigate these inconveniences.