7 Post-Facial Skin Care Tips for Results That Will Blow Your Mind!

7 Post-Facial Skin Care Tips for Results That Will Blow Your Mind!
Quick Summary

  • Understand what happens to your skin after a facial: your skin becomes sensitive and hydrated, and pores may appear larger.
  • Important post-facial care tips include using Sunscreen consistently, avoiding makeup, and following your aesthetician’s advice.
  • Additional treatments like waxing should be done before a facial to avoid complications.


Many of us have seen ourselves in a situation where we need to hurry to an important event, but our faces are not quite ready for an occasion like that. We understand how frustrating it could be to have a pimple appear on your chin hours before you wake up and get ready! That’s why most of us treat ourselves to expensive facials, so we don’t need to worry about anything.

But, we often forget the horrors we may need to face post-facial treatments without proper skin care. Maintaining your skin after a facial is like regular tune-ups for a guitar every time you play one. Ready your minds because you’re about to read some mind blowing post-facial skin care tips to prevent breakouts and redness. 

And if you’re wondering why you should be reading these because you haven’t had a facial yet, we feel you and suggest you visit the rejuvenation clinic for a facial in downtown Toronto!

Why Should You Get a Facial Treatment Done?

If your skin likes to act up like many others, there’s no better way to maintain it than getting a facial. A facial can be done at home or in a clinic by an aesthetician or a dermatologist. You should opt for a facial treatment if you have:

  • Normal Skin: Even if you have normalsmooth skin, getting a classic or a Hydra facial once in a blue moon is a successful preventive measure.
  • Aging Concerns: If you don’t like how those wrinkles make you feel when you smile or laugh, a chemical peel can take years off your skin! 
  • Acne Problem: Acne is the most common skin concern in women. If your acne is stubborn, you should choose an anti-acne or classic facial. These treatments are a natural enemy of bacteria!
  • Scars or Blemishes: Let’s face it, you may have used tons of creams for scars without seeing results. Enter Microneedling! This treatment would heal your scars to the nook and cranny! 

What Happens to Your Face After a Facial?

Congratulations! You finally got that long-awaited facial done; what happens to your skin now? It becomes:

  • Extremely sensitive
  • Well hydrated
  • Filled with large pores

Post-Facial Skin Care Tips:

Post-facial reality isn’t dreamy like you imagined and may sometimes hit you like a bullet train if you get the very thing you were running away from: post-facial redness, acne, or wax bumps. 

Retaining the results is easier than you may imagine. With slight changes to your everyday routine, you can get the maximum outcome:

  • Use Sunscreen, As Much As You Can: Not using Sunscreen regularly is non-negotiable and should be considered a crime. After a facial, your skin needs to be shielded from the sun: Use a wide-spectrum Sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher. Make sure to consider your skin type. It is generally recommended to use powdered Sunscreen if you have oily skin, and fusion water sunscreen can work for all skin types.
Pro Tip

If you have blemishes and want to hide them like all other ordinary people, look for tinted Sunscreen to give you that smooth skin glow!

  1. Follow Advice: One thing that we certainly don’t like to do is follow orders. But taking risks with your skin isn’t ideal. Follow what your aesthetician says to a T. 
  2. No More Makeup!: Yes, as traumatizing as it sounds, using makeup after a fresh facial can irritate your skin due to the chemicals. Allow your skin to breathe!
  3. Further Treatments: We know some of you would want additional treatments out of the way after your facial, but it is ideal to have them done before it. Further treatments can nullify the effects of your facial. 
  4. Waxing or Threading: Post-facial waxing bumps are such nightmares! If you need a hair-free face for a few days, get your waxing and threading done before you get a facial. Try not to touch or poke at your skin, as it can cause further breakouts.
  5. Heat Exposure: Your skin is the most sensitive part of your body, so you should minimize your heat and sun exposure as much as possible before and after a facial treatment to avoid sunburns.
  6. Hydration: Keeping your skin hydrated is very important before and after facial treatments. Hydration plays an important role in relaxing your skin.
Did you know that uncontrolled stress is one of the leading causes of skin breakouts? Well, now you do. Stress makes your skin more sensitive and vulnerable. We advise you to get those extra hours of sleep and remain stress-free!


  1.     What If I Get Blemishes After a Facial?

If you get blemishes, it may be due to purging. Your skin breaks out before mending itself. Staying hydrated and not touching your face may reduce the after-effects.

  1.     What Skincare to Use After Facial?

A gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and loads of Sunscreen!

  1.   How long before I wash my face after facial?

You should wait at least 6 to 8 hours, but it is ideal to consult your aesthetician.


Having skin texture and acne is not an abnormal trait. Normal people have them, and you are normal. But, sometimes, spending your sweat and tears is the cost of attaining exceptional beauty. 

Post-facial care and using the best skin care tips are your steps closer to it. These simple steps do not break the bank and can be done at home only with dedication!

Keep in mind that consistency is the key, and instant results are only an illusion.