Diverse Service Offerings At Feskov Fertility Clinic

Giving birth to a genetically healthy child has become a reality for many infertile couples. Surrogacy has become more advanced in the year 2024. 

Many couples can benefit from surrogacy because, in the past years, it was not possible to have a biological child. The only option that was left for the couples was to adopt a child, but still, they could not call them their genetic child as it was just an adopted child.

Feskov Fertility Clinic is known to many people and is an attractive place to opt for surrogacy. Many foreign couples visit the Feskov fertility clinic to have a safe and smooth surrogacy experience. Feskov klinik Ukraine ensures premium services to the people.

Feskov Fertility Clinic – Service offerings

Feskov Fertility Clinic is there to offer numerous services. All of them are set against different prices. Couples can choose any service they desire. Let’s have a closer look at some of the popular services that Feskov Fertility Clinic offers:

  • Own surrogate mother

Can one believe that the Feskov fertility clinic allows couples to choose their surrogate mothers, and, cherry on top of that, they can undergo unlimited IVF attempts with them? This service can cost couples around 17,000 – 28,500€.

  • Comfort Guarantee

Another of the best services that the Feskov fertility clinic offers is a comfort guarantee, where the couple is allowed to have unlimited IVF attempts along with PGD. In addition, risk coverage is limited, and the total cost of the service is around 37,500€.

  • Balance guarantee

Balance guarantee is the next service the couples can benefit from. It includes surrogacy, egg donation, PGD, NGS, and the choice to choose the gender of the future child. This process can cost couples around 49,000€.

  • Child’s gender selection

The notable service offered by the Feskov fertility clinic is helping couples choose their child’s gender. It also includes unlimited IVF attempts similar to other services mentioned above. The total cost of this service is 59,000€.

  • VIP guarantee with own eggs

Couples can also take part in the surrogacy process while donating their eggs. The service allows them to have an unlimited number of IVF attempts. The price for the service is 60,000€.

  • VIP guarantee for single women

Another exciting service that the Feskov fertility clinic offers is a VIP guarantee for a single woman, which allows the single woman to get donated eggs so that the process takes place smoothly. This service also includes multiple IVF attempts. 

The difference between this service and others is that here, the involvement of the surrogate mother and the egg donor is necessary to complete the process. Also, the delivery of the surrogate takes place in Ukraine. The cost of this service is 60,000€.


  1.     Who is eligible for surrogacy in Ukraine?

Ukraine has a strict selection process for selecting the right candidate for a surrogate mother. Not everyone can become a surrogate mother, and specific terms and conditions need to be followed to become one.

  1.     Is surrogacy legal in Ukraine?

Yes, surrogacy is legal in Ukraine. Ukraine is the hub of surrogacy, and the first-ever surrogacy process took place in Ukraine and was a successful one. 


Giving birth may be challenging for many, and even many couples cannot have a biological child. Surrogacy has come into existence to help infertile couples to become parents of healthy children.

Feskov Fertility Clinic is one such clinic in Ukraine that helps infertile couples to have a biological child. The clinic offers various services, and couples can choose any depending on their budget and requirements.