Goo Goo February

The weather is still a little warmer than I’m used to, but I shouldn’t complain, because the one weekend it did dip into the low 50s, I was already wishing that I had worn my leggings underneath my pants. Only a year ago, this was something I only reserved for freezing temperatures in Chicago. Astounded…

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Lean in Closer at Stephanie Chefas Projects

LEAN in CLOSER A group exhibition curated by Max Kauffman Featuring: Ryan Bubnis, Ian Ferguson, Lori Field, Evan B. Harris, Andrea Joyce Heimer, Max Kauffman, Troy Lovegates, Jaime Molina, Kreh Mellick, Stacey Rozich, and Betsy Walton Opening Reception: Friday, January 27th, 7-10pm Exhibition Dates: January 27th – February 24th, 2017 On January 27th, Stephanie Chefas…

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8 Ways to Fix a Pink Screen on a MacBook

Screen issues on a MacBook are a common problem caused by software or hardware failures. Here’s what to do when your MacBook screen pink. Updating macOS Check for macOS updates that might fix software errors. To update: Open the Apple menu and go to “System Preferences”. Select “Software Update”. Follow the instructions to install the updates….

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polyurea coating unique

Polyurea Coating: Unique Benefits and Applications Explored

Polyurea coatings have become increasingly popular for their unmatched durability and versatility. Whether protecting surfaces from extreme wear or enhancing aesthetics, this remarkable material has proven its worth across various industries. Let’s explore the unique benefits, applications, and features of polyurea coating unique in detail. What is Polyurea Coating? Polyurea is a type of elastomer…

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Joris Kuipers

How would you describe your subject matter or the content of your art practice? My work finds its origin in historic, scientific and/or anatomic sources ranging from the woodcuts by Andreas Vesalius to CT-scans, MRI-scans, autopsy images and the plastinations by Gunther von Hagens. As in medical practice, I dissect the body layer by layer….

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Jasmine Spitzer-Smith

Jasmine is a Bay Area artist originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As a child of diaspora, Jasmine utilizes the transformative qualities of clay to create designs to investigate and strengthen the connections to her roots in West Africa. When I met you we discussed your recent move to the Bay Area from Florida. What part…

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Nathalie Brilliant

Your work investigates the body as form, as sculpture, as living composition. The work seems to bring dance, yoga, and daily movement into the conversation. How and when did you start investigating these themes? I initially started investigating these themes while in undergraduate school. I was studying psychology at the time at Wesleyan University. My…

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Ryan Martin

Raised in LA and Orange County during the 80’s & 90’s, Ryan reflects back to remnants of both eras through creating artwork with vibrant color and exuberant floral elements. While his works hold minimal backstories, continually his work seems to brush upon a fleeting childhood, nostalgia, and the complex emotions of exploring adolescence. Why is art…

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