Determining Whether to Hire Website Maintenance Professionals Based on Your Technical Needs

A website maintenance service is typically a business that keeps your website secure, up-to-date, and running smoothly. They handle tasks like fixing broken links, updating site content, making sure it’s mobile-friendly, securing the site from cyber threats, and improving the user experience. They also troubleshoot issues, monitor the website’s performance, and implement SEO strategies to make the site more visible on search engines. 

Website maintenance costs in 2024

The website maintenance costs in 2024 depend on the type of website. A personal website costs up to $25 a month. The price is $25–75 for a professional blog and $35–500 for small to medium business sites. Maintaining an ecommerce website costs $750–5,000/month, and a corporate website can cost as much as $4,500/month to maintain. 

Website design costs $500–1,000 a year if you contract a web design professional for regular maintenance. Website maintenance agencies charge $200-4,500/month. You can hire a freelancer for $20/hour. 

Know your needs

Identify what maintenance tasks you need, such as resolving technical problems, regular updates, creating new and engaging content, etc. Only if you understand your website maintenance needs can you find a suitable service provider. 

Comparing managed and unmanaged hosting

Depending on the type of web hosting you choose, the company’s staff will maintain your website for you or you’ll do it yourself. This section looks at managed vs unmanaged hosting.  

If you choose managed web hosting, the hosting provider takes responsibility for the daily management and maintenance of the system or server. They handle tasks such as backups, server setup, monitoring, configuration, security, technical support, software updates, etc.

Managed hosting is a good choice if you lack the expertise, time, or resources to handle website maintenance. 

These services typically come with high support, making sure that the system or server remains optimized, secure, and available to you. The hosting company may also offer additional services like scalability, load balancing, performance optimization, and database management to make sure the hosted apps and sites function optimally. 

What is unmanaged hosting?

Website owners who choose unmanaged hosting have to manage and maintain the server or system themselves. The hosting provider only makes the physical server and network connection available. 

In this setup, the owner has full control of the server, including operating system installation and configuration. They must set up security measures, troubleshoot technical issues, and manage software updates. People or businesses with a lot of technical expertise and server administration resources typically opt for unmanaged hosting. It is more flexible and customizable, but it also requires more time and technical knowledge to ensure proper website maintenance. 

The average cost of maintaining a website yourself is only about $100/month. The do-it-yourself approach means more affordable maintenance. It’s an excellent approach for website owners on a budget or those who prefer hands-on maintenance.

Maintaining your own website gives you full control of your site configurations and helps develop new skills. At the same time, handling your website maintenance can overwhelm you. If you have the time to learn new things and how to implement them, you might not need to hire a website maintenance professional.

Let’s say you decide in favor of hiring one, though. 

What to look for in a good website maintenance professional 

If you choose to hire professionals, whether as part of a managed hosting plan or not, consider their technical expertise, check their support level, and be careful with pricing and contract terms. Technical expertise is crucial for website maintenance. A good service provider has experience in coding, website development, and troubleshooting common problems. They should be aware of the latest trends and technologies to keep your website updated.

When it comes to working with a website maintenance service provider, communication is key. Make sure you can communicate clearly with them and that you have a designated contact person for inquiries or concerns. Ask about their response time and support system in case of any technical issues or emergencies. 

Discuss prices and contract terms before finalizing any agreement. Do they charge hourly, monthly, etc.? You need a detailed understanding of the services included in the contract and the charges for extra work.


  • Maintenance costs range from tens to thousands a month, depending on the site
  • Identify what maintenance tasks you need
  • How to choose between managed and unmanaged hosting 
  • The best service providers have expertise and communicate clearly

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