Do People Actually Use Public Transportation in Miami?

Each day and night, public transportation in Miami plays a significant role in the lives of many residents and visitors, bringing them home, to work, to school, and other areas of interest. Although Miami is known for its extensive road networks and reliance on personal vehicles, public transit is still prevalent and essential.

Many individuals choose public transit because they believe they are less likely to become injured, for budget reasons, or simply out of convenience, to avoid the hassle of driving and finding parking spaces. Here is what you should know about public transportation in Miami and what you should do if you get injured.

Public Transit Options

In Miami, there are several public transit options that you can use to get from A to Z. Some of the most popular ones include:


With a fleet of 846 buses, Metrobus can take you anywhere from Miami Beach, Key Biscayne, West Miami-Dade, Broward County, Homestead, Florida City, and the Middle Keys. Tens of millions of rides occur each year as the system covers 93 routes, connecting neighborhoods, business districts, and popular attractions.


Composed of two lines with 23 stations, Metrorail is one of Miami’s fastest public transportation options. The train system provides a fast and efficient way to travel across the city, particularly downtown and the airport, making it an excellent option for tourists and travelers.


Metromover is a free automated people mover system that operates all week. It covers the downtown area of Miami and is a great option for those who want to navigate without their car.

Usage Trends

Public transportation usage is lower in Miami than in other major cities. Still, many residents rely on such services for their daily commutes, contributing to traffic decongestion and fewer vehicles on the road.
Miami’s notorious traffic can make it more inefficient for residents to use their own vehicles for transportation. Still, many choose public transportation options due to cost-effectiveness, not just time restraints. Public transit is often more affordable than owning and maintaining a personal vehicle.

Safety Considerations

Generally, when you use public transportation, you are less likely to get injured. As a driver, you have to worry about a dozen things until you reach your destination. You might have to answer phone calls or face other distractions that can put your safety at risk.


With public transportation, you are not directly involved in the vehicle’s operation and can focus on other tasks while you travel. The driver is trained to drive safely and remain focused on the road.
However, safety can vary by route and time of day, so you should always be aware of your surroundings, even as a passenger. If an accident does occur, you have certain rights that will help you receive compensation for your injuries.

When to Speak With a Lawyer

Although public transportation accidents are rarer than regular vehicle accidents, they occur occasionally. In such instances, you can pursue a personal injury claim against the negligent driver as a passenger.


However, it’s essential to understand who is liable. In some instances, it might be another driver, your transit driver, or the public transportation agency—especially if they failed to provide safe traveling conditions, did not maintain their vehicles in good working order, or engaged in negligent hiring practices.


Certain public transportation agencies are government entities, and this can further complicate claims, and it can be more challenging to establish liability. Whatever the case, if you were injured while using public transportation in Miami, you should pursue a personal injury claim. Speak with a lawyer to learn more about your legal options and discover the liable parties.


Disclaimer: 1-800-Injured is an attorney and medical referral service.