How Do Medical Providers Benefit from AI in Healthcare Administration?

The survey conducted by the American Medical Association disclosed physicians’ perceptions and readiness to adopt AI in healthcare. 56% of respondents see the potential of applying AI to administrative work. Physicians plan to use AI tools for generating messages for patients, summarizing clinical data, and predicting medical patterns in the next 5 years. It means the market for software solutions for medical administration will grow. The more tasks those tools will be able to perform, the better productivity results medical providers will get.

What are the requirements for a powerful healthcare administration tool?

  1. Flexibility and accessibility

Modern tendencies in healthcare imply much telemedicine and remote health monitoring. For patients and doctors, those tendencies mean that their interactions are no longer defined by the physical walls of medical centers and hospitals. While travel nurses and physicians still spend some time commuting to their patients, administrative staff and IT departments have shifted to remote working modes, either partially or permanently. As hybrid working conditions demand more flexibility from corporate systems and internal workspaces, the implementation of powerful software tools is required.

  1. Data analytics

Healthcare providers deal with vast arrays of data regularly. Data analytics tools can help optimize care delivery if the information is used and processed properly. Experts admit that data is both the “cause and the effect of digital transformation”. Internal medical data enables business stakeholders to gain insights, improve services, and increase ROI.

  1. Artificial intelligence

When medical data analytics tools are supplemented with AI, it leads to increased speed and productivity among the staff. Reliable technical partners can tackle AI development services, allowing healthcare teams to concentrate on treatment processes. The modern approach to adopting AI presupposes a “human in the loop,” i.e., human monitoring the AI’s performance for quality assurance and ethical compliance.

Medical providers benefit from Python development services as they cover all the above-mentioned requirements.

  • Python applications handle large volumes of data.
  • Python analytics products provide administrative staff with insights.
  • Python allows for embedding AI features, such as predictive analytics and image recognition.

Data is the key

The possibilities of AI features in solutions for medical administration are inspiring. They help medical staff to save time, optimize routine tasks, and, as a result, avoid much stress. Relying on AI algorithms while deciding on the treatment plan or selecting the right medication demands more responsibility from a doctor than when asking a bot to refill a prescription. That is why AI tools in healthcare administration are relatively easy to integrate and adapt to the staff.

Healthcare business owners seek solutions that imply minimum risks. The benefits of implementing AI tools become visible in the long run, but only with regular data updates and the absence of security threats. Experts at the Boston Cancer Institute have created an exploration environment for testing and deploying LLM training for research purposes. They coped with technical, ethical, and regulatory issues and built a secure API for embedding AI features into existing corporate systems and applications. They also paid much attention to mentoring the staff for proper LLM usage to achieve a smooth adoption of the new technologies. Healthcare clients of the Belitsoft company often request large language model (LLM) training, as it guarantees the content generated by an AI-powered chatbot is tailored to the domain and contains the necessary glossary and terminology base.

Use Cases of AI in Medical Administration

AI chatbots

Medical providers implement chatbots to help the staff deal with requests on the site. They can answer general patients’ queries about health issues, make doctor appointments, and summarize the symptoms for doctors. For instance, a digital health startup, K Health, performs an initial questionnaire on a patient and prepares a suggestion of the diagnosis for the doctor. It takes the patient only around 5 minutes, however, there is the option of contacting a real doctor if the patient is more comfortable with that. Medical staff saves time by recording the data in the EHR. With similar chatbots, healthcare providers can relieve the workload of their staff, decreasing their stress levels and making them more concentrated and productive.

Chatbots in healthcare can also cope with such tasks as counseling potential customers on the website, performing triage at hospitals, or refilling prescriptions.

AI-powered recruitment

The talent acquisition departments of medical providers strive to find ideal nurses, physicians, and technicians in as short a time as possible. The Conglomerate Healthcare Company exploits AI algorithms to help them shortlist relevant candidates. Utilizing similar tools inside a medical provider leads to cost savings and optimizes the hiring process. AI algorithms screen the resumes and map the skills to the job requirements. Supplementing the solution with video calls allows for remote interviewing. As a result, departments receive proper candidates faster than with a manual search.

Medical billing

Machine learning and optical character recognition technologies lead to a simplified document workflow. Algorithms scan insurance agreements, patient forms, lab results, X-rays, and other medical documentation. After that, AI systems can fill in patients’ records and provide coders with appropriate codes associated with medical manipulations. Human coders and intelligent software work in a team, shortening the time spent handling each insurance claim.


Healthcare is a business. Attracting customers is part of the daily routine of marketing departments. According to Deloitte, AI aids in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. With AI tools, marketers can swiftly analyze patients’ feedback on review sites, their complaints, and general queries. Machine learning technology can predict the best ways of interacting with patients, design marketing funnels, and generate scripts for call center agents and messengers. Implementing AI in marketing will bring healthcare providers more patients and insights into improving treatment quality.

Final thoughts

AI-powered software covers such issues in healthcare administration as general interaction with patients, generating summaries of patients’ symptoms, assisting recruitment processes, medical billing and coding, and more. Medical providers have to develop a clear roadmap for implementing new tools, which should include contacting reliable partners and mentoring staff. Data analytics tools and the right programming language are the factors that make AI implementation not just a trend but a step toward acknowledging the data as a strategic asset.