How to Build a Digital Marketing Team for Your Business

To build a team that will develop a specific business, enhance its presence in the online space, ensure optimization processes, and increase its popularity, it is essential to first invest in online marketing. Today, this is not just a preference but a real necessity for all brands and companies aiming for success in the fast-paced and rapidly evolving market. There are two main options: the business owner can create an in-house team or hire a professional team through outsourcing.

It’s worth considering specialists who provide professional Naples SEO services and other marketing solutions. A well-formed team can offer services in optimization and promotion. These experts will deliver high-quality work as they possess extensive experience and deep understanding of popular tools, effective methods, current practices, tactics, and trends. They can help the business thrive online, ensuring that every owner is satisfied with their decision.

What experts make up a business promotion team?

Without an effective team to tackle the most challenging business projects, achieving significant and worthy results is difficult. There’s a misconception among small businesses that marketing can be done “on the fly,” but this is entirely false. Even experienced IT professionals recognize that working with digital marketing is complex because it involves many tools that need to be used effectively and configured properly. A marketing team typically handles:

  • content creation;
  • lead generation;
  • online sales;
  • monetization, among other tasks.

Naturally, one person cannot manage all these functions alone. That’s why a team of specialists works on each business project, its optimization, and promotion. The core team generally consists of the following experts:

  1. Copywriter. This specialist creates and develops textual content, including writing informational materials, posts, product and service descriptions, articles, blog texts, newsletters, and advertisements.
  2. SMM manager. Manages specific web pages or profiles on popular social networks. This expert handles social platform pages by publishing posts, reels, written content, stories, images, videos, and selecting hashtags.
  3. Email marketer. Develops email strategies and expands the client base. Essentially, this professional handles data collection, segmentation, and everything related to users’ email addresses.
  4. Targeting specialist. Skillfully sets up and places ads to attract the target audience on social platforms. When a user sees an ad for a product or service on social media, it’s the work of the targeting specialist.
  5. Editor. Oversees content creation and quality control. The editor essentially manages copywriters, authors, and SMM experts.
  6. Designer or videographer. Creates various video materials, advertisements for ad blocks, banners, images for business blogs, or social media. Sometimes, this work is also outsourced.
  7. Traffic manager. The main task of this specialist is to drive potential clients to the website. They handle everything to ensure that potential clients choose the desired website among millions of others in search engines. The manager creates customer profiles, develops special advertising hypotheses, prepares technical assignments for copywriters and designers, analyzes ad campaigns, and connects with influencers and bloggers to order advertisements from them.
  8. Analyst. Gathers, processes, and analyzes data. This specialist conducts comprehensive monitoring to collect data and draws conclusions to help the brand or company adjust its strategy, improve marketing, test advertising hypotheses, and more.
  9. Other freelancers. Much depends on the specific needs of the business owner and the steps required in the strategy. If there is a need to hire an advertiser, an organizational consultant, or a business consultant, these details are discussed with the client based on their budget and requirements.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of specialists needed to promote and optimize a business. Other roles may include strategists (who select the most appropriate and effective strategies, adjust steps and stages, etc.), project managers (who communicate with clients individually, answer questions, keep business owners updated on their project’s progress), art directors (who manage visual design, control the quality of all photo and video content), accountants or financial managers (who handle payroll, monitor budget expenses from business projects, etc.), and freelancers to delegate responsibilities. The most important factor is that all these individuals are motivated to work, have relevant experience, and are eager to grow and improve in every aspect.