How to Give a Shit No 7

You were there on that shocking night. I saw you. With a few of your friends nearby, you sat on a plastic chair or a couch or on the floor talking loudly and laughing at jokes while eating pizza or cookies or drinking an alcoholic beverage. You might have even gone ahead and opened a…

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Whit Taylor

Whit Taylor is a cartoonist, writer, and editor from New Jersey. She received a Glyph Award for her mini-comic Watermelon in 2012 and an Ignatz nomination for her series Madtown High in 2013. Some of her recent work includes The Anthropologists (Sparkplug Books), comics essays for The Nib, and Subcultures: A Comics Anthology, which she edited for Ninth Art Press. She has written for Panel Patter, Comics…

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Caco Sato

What are your driving forces? Motivations? Muse? Introducing and sharing timeless Japanese aesthetics with a global audience. Reinterpreting Zen philosophy to be understood easily and to help incorporate it in everyday life.  Combining art and technology to encourage community interaction. Who are your inspirations? Artisans, scientists and engineers. I am inspired by people who are…

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How to Give a Shit No 5

Above a girl who sits on a floor, is a ball suspended in air.  Her arms are raised. The question of whether she threw it or is ready to catch escapes your mind because of the way in which time doesn’t exist here.  In stillness, raised arms can only accept the invisible; there is no…

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BUCKLEY (1989, Chula Vista, CA, USA) is a stream-of-consciousness conceptual artist whose work most frequently manifests in the form of ink drawings. She applies her “process-over-product” method to a variety of mediums, including: music, textiles, performance, installation, sculpture and experience events. Her central focus is Ecstatic Creativity through the activation of the automatic and intuitive…

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Arthur Huang

A scientist and artist, Arthur Huang documents the mundane task of traveling to and from work. His art showcases the heavy task of recreating his daily routes, sometimes at the end of the day. Just shy from engraving his every move, Arthur has created a world of travels which we were fortunate enough to learn…

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Wendy Crittenden

Your background is in photography, it was what you were focusing on when we were in the MFA program together at SF State University. How did you first get into making drawings?​ I know that’s what it seems like, because both my BFA and MFA are in photography, but I have been drawing since I…

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Joanne Leah

What is the backstory of the title “Acid Mass”? Does it refer to your whole body of work or your current series? It started when I was a rebellious teenager. I would take LSD, go to raves, and my mother would make me go to Catholic mass on Sunday morning while I was still hallucinating….

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Clare Benson

Clare Benson is a contemporary artist based in Arizona who grew up in Michigan. Benson’s work explores rural landscapes, hunting, and identity. We chose to speak with Benson because we felt her work, post election, showed a unique perspective into rural America through exploring gender roles, our relationships with the land, and climate change. Benson…

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