Mary Mazziotti

I found Mary in researching a unique artist fellowship in Pittsburgh called Flight School that acts as a special career-boosting program for artists, including trainings on strategic planning and marketing.  It’s hosting organization, Pittsburgh Filmmakers and Center for the Arts, describes Flight School as “an opportunity for artists in the Pittsburgh region to form a fellowship with…

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How to Give a Shit No 8

Back when I first had the idea for this series, I had only been in Los Angeles for about a year, and I was having trouble finding art with what I call “spirit”. Because I didn’t know much about the scene, I didn’t really know where to look for work that felt as if it could…

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Quire is a Portland based mixed media artist, who discusses her series Science of Change, previous grant experience and collaging. What is it about the human connection that interests you and why are you drawn to making work through many voices? ​ It’s just how my mind works. When I was in college my dorm room…

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Eduardo Aispuro

Tell me about your background in music, are you still a musician? What did you play? ​ Yes, but I don’t play with a band anymore. I just haven’t had the time to find one. I started by producing hip hop then I moved to punk rock, basic rock stuff, and then blues and folk. My…

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Come On, We Know We’re Part of This, Right?

“Those rich motherfuckering landlords couldn’t wait to get us out so they could build their precious condo.” My studio neighbor conspiratorially leans into me as we chat in the hallway of our new artist work building. After being booted from our former artist warehouse in Glassell Park, many of us moved together into a new…

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Whit Taylor

Whit Taylor is a cartoonist, writer, and editor from New Jersey. She received a Glyph Award for her mini-comic Watermelon in 2012 and an Ignatz nomination for her series Madtown High in 2013. Some of her recent work includes The Anthropologists (Sparkplug Books), comics essays for The Nib, and Subcultures: A Comics Anthology, which she edited for Ninth Art Press. She has written for Panel Patter, Comics…

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Wendy Crittenden

Your background is in photography, it was what you were focusing on when we were in the MFA program together at SF State University. How did you first get into making drawings?​ I know that’s what it seems like, because both my BFA and MFA are in photography, but I have been drawing since I…

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Skye Livingston

JH: How would you describe your subject matter or the content of your art practice? SL: I’m interested in the overlap of the body and the home space, which stems from a fascination with permeable and blurred boundaries. I see a lot of similarities between the body and the home as containers, facades and places…

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Lauren Hartman

Is embroidery a skill you learned as a child, or something you developed later on? My mother taught me to sew when I was a little girl, just simple stitching, and it was something I’ve always done. I never had any formal training. I don’t use proper stitches. I don’t use techniques that have a…

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Jennifer Huang

Jennifer Huang just finished her first year at the Art Institute of Chicago. If you have been an avid Venison Magazine reader you might recognize Jennifer’s name. She has been involved with Venison since our founding through her previous involvement in the collective Weeknight Rodeo from which we originated. This feature comes in two parts, a…

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