Ryan Martin

Raised in LA and Orange County during the 80’s & 90’s, Ryan reflects back to remnants of both eras through creating artwork with vibrant color and exuberant floral elements. While his works hold minimal backstories, continually his work seems to brush upon a fleeting childhood, nostalgia, and the complex emotions of exploring adolescence. Why is art…

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openhouseperth.net insurance

Insurance Solutions for openhouseperth.net

OpenHousePerth.net is a dynamic website that introduces people to Perth real estate prospects. It is critical that consumers have sufficient insurance coverage as they participate in this ever-changing economy. Renters and property owners alike would do well to familiarize themselves with openhouseperth.net user-specific insurance policies. Understanding Insurance for openhouseperth.net Navigating the realm of insurance can…

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Heather Swenson

Heather Swenson is a artist working with silkscreen printmaking from Rochester, New York. In this interview Clare talks to Heather printmaking, the art scene in Rochester, and Heather’s studio practice. I first saw your work at Graphic Arts Workshop (GAW) in San Francisco as a part of a print exchange show. Since I make my…

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Zoe Gilbertson

Zoe Gilbertson is a UK based embroidery based artist with a experience working in the fashion industry. Over the years, Zoe has lived in Europe, Canada and founded SneakArt with her husband. In this Interview Zoe talks to us about her career as a fashion designer and the transition she took into fine arts. Your…

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Jasmine Spitzer-Smith

Jasmine is a Bay Area artist originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As a child of diaspora, Jasmine utilizes the transformative qualities of clay to create designs to investigate and strengthen the connections to her roots in West Africa. When I met you we discussed your recent move to the Bay Area from Florida. What part…

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Josh Hagler

I met American artist, Joshua Hagler, at the opening of his solo show The Adopted at Jaus earlier this year. With extensive research, he’s using various mediums to explore the role of religion. The variety of figures, shapes and endless texture against large scale canvases, begs us to ask  the same questions he poses about religion, its history and our relationship…

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Bryan Proteau is a 24-year-old illustrator and tattoo artist living the in the Bay Area. We met months ago after the show a band he has done illustrative work for and whose members are our mutual friends. Bryan’s mix of medieval imagery, alchemical references, and monochromatic palette have drawn attention and admiration from a many….

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