
Quire is a Portland based mixed media artist, who discusses her series Science of Change, previous grant experience and collaging. What is it about the human connection that interests you and why are you drawn to making work through many voices? ​ It’s just how my mind works. When I was in college my dorm room…

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Eduardo Aispuro

Tell me about your background in music, are you still a musician? What did you play? ​ Yes, but I don’t play with a band anymore. I just haven’t had the time to find one. I started by producing hip hop then I moved to punk rock, basic rock stuff, and then blues and folk. My…

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How to Give a Shit No 9

I race the day in my Mitsubishi Mirage rental trying to make Sioux City before sundown. Using Omaha as my base, I take turns each day with the 29 and the 75 on the respective Iowa and Nebraska sides of the Missouri River, which, in this part of the country, runs northward before it starts…

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Will Caron

​Tell me a bit about the role of art in your life and when you found an interest in illustration. I look at art–broadly, across disciplines–as a pathway or a conduit toward an altered consciousness. Even before I knew what that meant, I could still feel it, and I think that’s true of anyone. ​As…

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Janarie Ricchio

Janarie Ricchio’s Artist Statement A house can express the individuality of those who inhabit them or can be used as a tool to create false personas. It is a retreat and a refuge where thoughts can be locked up inside accessible only to the self and anyone they allow in. A house is filled with…

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Venison Picks: Best of 2017

Amber Imrie-Situnayake’s Picks @amberimrie I was fortunate enough to travel out to New York last weekend for three days! I took this time to indulge in a much needed art-cation, I went from galleries to museums, and returned home with a stack of new books and even some small works of art! Since this trip…

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Lyle Carbajal

Lyle Carbajal is an artist who at the time of this article’s release is residing in New Orleans, Louisiana. We were drawn to his series Romancing Banality which was conceived in Houston, TX where Carbajal resided at the time. This work interested us because of how it spoke to socio-economics, border land culture, and immigration. We believed these conversations…

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How to Give a Shit No 12

A boy in red pajamas, perhaps eight years old, walks quietly and with purpose to an area in the woods where he is partially overlapped by a moss-covered tree, bending a vine or a limb out of his way as he passes. What must be morning light coruscates slowly up the tree and along the…

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Samantha Rausch

Addressing space as a complex playground of sensory improvisations, my installations’ nature is to warp our perceptions by toying with space as a teetering situational balance. The search is to find the uncanny moments in the work’s awkward pauses, sweet spots of tension, potentials for action, and the explosions of material cacophony. How would you…

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Alice Fate

I found Alice on Instagram, searching through #fiberart, I found her mandalas and I knew there was so much behind them, I wanted to learn more about the person making them: who is she, how did she know to produce them, and what might she teach us?  Alice was kind enough to meet me for…

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