Zoe Gilbertson

Zoe Gilbertson is a UK based embroidery based artist with a experience working in the fashion industry. Over the years, Zoe has lived in Europe, Canada and founded SneakArt with her husband. In this Interview Zoe talks to us about her career as a fashion designer and the transition she took into fine arts. Your…

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Amanda McCavour

Amanda McCavour is a Toronto-based artist who makes drawings, installations and embroideries. Amanda uses thread as a mechanism for creating delicate three-dimensional “drawings” that explore the connections between textiles and the body. In this article, Adriana investigates her enigmatic embroidery process, her transition in and our of academia, and how it effects her artistic process….

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Margaux Crump

From the artist – “I make objects that behave like bodies. Teasing out the slippery relationship between desire, intimacy and power, these sculptural bodies are non-binary. They shift and meld into different categories, questioning what is masculine and feminine, plant and animal, cultural and natural.” There are certain places in the USA and in the…

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Angela Gram

Adriana Villagran interviews Angela Gram, a painter, writer, and educator living and working in New Jersey.  She received a MFA from the New York Academy of Art and a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design.  She is also a co-founder of the blog Quantumartreview, a source for art criticism, essays, and interviews that investigate the intersections…

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Jasmine Spitzer-Smith

Jasmine is a Bay Area artist originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As a child of diaspora, Jasmine utilizes the transformative qualities of clay to create designs to investigate and strengthen the connections to her roots in West Africa. When I met you we discussed your recent move to the Bay Area from Florida. What part…

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Margaret Smithers-Crump

Margaret speaks with us about her work which is inspired by a topic that got thrown under the bus this election season: climate change. “Understanding the cycles of life are core concepts in my practice. Ideas regarding vulnerability, growth, strength, powerlessness and transformation fuel my imagination and stimulate the creative process.” Growing up in Canada on…

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Clare Szydlowski

Clare Szydlowski is an Oakland-based printmaker and art educator.  She received her BA from UC Santa Cruz in 2006 and her MFA from San Francisco State University in 2009. Her work has been exhibited in galleries throughout the Bay Area including Kala Art Institute, The Lab, Interface Gallery, and The Compound Gallery. Where did you grow up? How did…

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Dan Grayber​

Dan Grayber is a Oakland Artist. He graduated from SFAI with his MFA in 2005. He is represented by Johansson Projects in Oakland, California. I met up with Dan at his recent show at Johansson Projects and we talked about his work. Let’s start near the beginning. I read that your journey started with an…

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Josh Hagler

I met American artist, Joshua Hagler, at the opening of his solo show The Adopted at Jaus earlier this year. With extensive research, he’s using various mediums to explore the role of religion. The variety of figures, shapes and endless texture against large scale canvases, begs us to ask  the same questions he poses about religion, its history and our relationship…

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Mary Grisey

Mary Grisey is a Toronto-based fiber and installation artist whose work echoes the poetry of ancient Greek mythology. Her work deals with the transformation of ephemeral materials and illustrates the inevitable toll of decay on a massive scale. She created META, a line of hand-crafted jewelry that employs ancient techniques such as weaving, braiding, natural…

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