Now on display at Campfire Gallery, DEBRIS features new paintings by San Francisco-based artist Joshua Nissen King. In this new series, King successfully juggles acrylic, oil, and spray paint to create psychological landscapes adorned with piles of cluttered objects and interactive figures. His unbridled color palette matched with his feverish gestural strokes give his paintings a sense…

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Spencer Merolla​

What was your relationship to hair before you started creating with it? My parents had a book about strange collections, and I remember seeing a photo in it of a lock of hair that belonged to Henry VIII. That made a strong impression on me — hair as a personal token that survived that many…

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Zoe Childerley

Residencies in Jamaica & Beyond You live and work in your home country of England, but your art practice has taken you all over the world. Tell me a bit about the different residencies that you’ve visited and what series you made there? ​My first residency was in Jamaica, a real fluke, straight out of…

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Gathering: Meet Yulia Pinkusevich

Showing July 5 – August 31, 2017 Recption: Saturday July 15, 5 – 7 pm Artist Talk: Saturday August 12, 5 – 7pm Yulia Pinkusevich was interviewed in Autumn 2015 by our founder Amber Imrie-Situnayake. Yulia has been smashing it in the last couple years since our interview. Yulia’s new work was developed while she was in residence…

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Lucia Riffel

Why do you make the work that you do? I make the work I do because there are things I want to express that there just aren’t words for. I’m fascinated by spaces and things that simultaneously exist infinitely and not at all. The sensation of space and especially digital space is invisible yet ever…

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Risja Steeghs

How did you get into your art practice?  When I was 18, just before I was going to start art school in Arnhem, I got sick. While I waited for a cure for my illness, I bided my time by creating art from my bed. The problem was, since my illness struck my nervous system and affected my brain, painting and drawing,…

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Skye Livingston

JH: How would you describe your subject matter or the content of your art practice? SL: I’m interested in the overlap of the body and the home space, which stems from a fascination with permeable and blurred boundaries. I see a lot of similarities between the body and the home as containers, facades and places…

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Dear Johannes

What drew you to the NDSM residency? Why did you choose to apply there? I was drawn to the location, the people and the ethos.  I wasn’t explicitly looking for anything like NDSM when I first stumbled across it, but as soon as I found it, I knew it was what I needed for my practice at…

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