Masako Miyazaki

Masako Miyazaki is currently living in California, furthering her studies at Stanford University. She studies the various ways we come into being. And by we, I mean everything. She takes a closer look at the process and not the end product. Masako’s Artist Statement: If extremes mark the outermost bounds, then the space within consists…

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Ryan Martin

Raised in LA and Orange County during the 80’s & 90’s, Ryan reflects back to remnants of both eras through creating artwork with vibrant color and exuberant floral elements. While his works hold minimal backstories, continually his work seems to brush upon a fleeting childhood, nostalgia, and the complex emotions of exploring adolescence. Why is art…

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Jessica Tenbusch

This spring Jessica applied to our quarterly and we were so excited about her work. Jessica works as an undertaker for the non-humans. We are so happy to present the stunning work by Michigan artist, Jessica Tenbusch. While reading your artist statement, I couldn’t stop thinking of the Garth Nix series, Sabriel, Abhorsen, Lireal. Have you…

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Time & Monuments

Lucy Wonsower’s art history lesson and first person experience of Istanbul’s ancient multicultural basilica, the Aya Sofya. I ended up in Istanbul this October through a variety of altered plans, the almost arbitrary decision to go to Turkey gave me the opportunity to visit some places I hadn’t thought about since Art History class at university. Mosques,…

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Camella Daeun Kim

We are very excited to bring you the compelling work of Camella Daeun Kim, who met our writer, Nazish at a show in LA this Spring. When she applied for a feature to our magazine, we were excited and delighted to talk with her. Camella originates from South Korea but has spent over the last…

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Navigation at NDSM

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Venison Magazine, my friend and colleague, Amber Imrie-Situnayake spent the majority of this past October in a shipping container. As an artist-in-residence at NDSM Treehouse in Amsterdam, she designed and installed a series of thread installations that were site-specific to one of the art city’s many shipping containers nested in a shipbuilding yard….

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Marcela Pardo Ariza

Clare and Marcela met at her opening this spring and got to talking about Marcela’s work. Marcela graduated from SFAI with her MFA. She originates from Colombia and her work utilizes photography, color, and objects to create staged photos that question our paranoia and ideas surrounding race and gender. When I visited your studio at…

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Scott Andrew

Scott Andrew and I met up this March near his home in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill. Scott is a multimedia artist, whose solo work dances across immersive videos, installations, sculptures, and performances to “evoke a childlike yearning for play.” Scott is also a primary collaborator and co-founder of the Institute for New Feeling, “a research clinic committed…

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c.w. park usc lawsuit

c.w. park USC Lawsuit: Unraveling Allegations and Implications

Academic honesty and ethics have been at the center of several scandals in recent years. The c.w. park usc lawsuit litigation is a well-known example of this type of issue that has caused lively discussions and disputes among scholars. This page explores the lawsuit thoroughly, covering its history, accusations, effects, legal processes, and wider ramifications…

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Alisha Wormsley

I met Alisha in her studio in Pittsburgh and was immediately captivated by her skill as a storyteller.  Her graceful ability to connect the dots of her own life and artist practice not only made for an easeful interview, but also demonstrated what I find so remarkable about her artworks: they playfully and seriously connect…

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