Alice Fate

I found Alice on Instagram, searching through #fiberart, I found her mandalas and I knew there was so much behind them, I wanted to learn more about the person making them: who is she, how did she know to produce them, and what might she teach us?  Alice was kind enough to meet me for…

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Arthur Huang

A scientist and artist, Arthur Huang documents the mundane task of traveling to and from work. His art showcases the heavy task of recreating his daily routes, sometimes at the end of the day. Just shy from engraving his every move, Arthur has created a world of travels which we were fortunate enough to learn…

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Wendy Crittenden

Your background is in photography, it was what you were focusing on when we were in the MFA program together at SF State University. How did you first get into making drawings?​ I know that’s what it seems like, because both my BFA and MFA are in photography, but I have been drawing since I…

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Bonnie MacAllister

How did you realize or notice that you were an artist?  Much of my work is performative, through writing and composition of texts, plays, and songs.  I was crafting these at a young age.  In college, I was more interested in film and photography, but I was always writing and performing my words.  After starting…

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Skye Livingston

JH: How would you describe your subject matter or the content of your art practice? SL: I’m interested in the overlap of the body and the home space, which stems from a fascination with permeable and blurred boundaries. I see a lot of similarities between the body and the home as containers, facades and places…

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Hiba Schahbaz

Hiba Schahbaz is a Brooklyn-based artist who works in the centuries-old art form of miniature painting. She trained in miniature painting at the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan and received an MFA in Painting from Pratt Institute in New York City. Schahbaz, a Muslim woman of color, speaks critically and poetically about western…

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After graduating from Rhode Island School of Design with a B.F.A. in Textiles, Lane taught art and facilitated community based art projects in programs for adults with developmental disabilities in Portland, OR and Portland, ME. She has created community engaged bodies of work as an Artist in Residence at Elsewhere Studios in Paonia, CO and…

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Alyssa Lempesis

I was curious about the deeper inspiration behind her sculptures, like people always are when looking at contemporary art. We ask ourselves, ‘Why? Why do YOU make this work.’ From simple observation, we can see that Alyssa’s sculptures and videos speak toward the raw and vulgar side of the body. Something which she has been…

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Sarah Ammons​

Tell me a bit about where you grew up & what your upbringing was like. ​I grew up just east of Toronto, Ontario in Canada. My family and I lived further away from town on one of the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario, so I had a kind of remote and scenic upbringing. My father is…

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