Josh Hagler

I met American artist, Joshua Hagler, at the opening of his solo show The Adopted at Jaus earlier this year. With extensive research, he’s using various mediums to explore the role of religion. The variety of figures, shapes and endless texture against large scale canvases, begs us to ask  the same questions he poses about religion, its history and our relationship…

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​Arwa Abouon

“My work results from dynamic interactions between personal reflections on human nature, to meet and see the world as it is, and the multiple perspectives of my own gaze. The attempts to visually translate these specific configurations of subject, time, and place, are usually photographic, but also sometimes integrate video, design or additional installations. The…

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Wendy Red Star

Wendy Red Star was raised on the Apsáalooke (Crow) reservation in Montana. Red Star’s work is informed by her cultural heritage. Her work explores the intersection of Native American ideologies and colonialist structures, both in historical and in contemporary society. Wendy Red Star was chosen for this issue because her work speaks strongly about the ingrained…

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