
Unlocking Business Success with qxefv

To thrive in today’s cutthroat business climate, one must always be one step ahead of the competition. Streamlining operations, improving decision-making, and driving growth through the implementation of innovative techniques and technology is a critical component in reaching this goal. The qxefv platform is one example of a technology that has been popular recently. Understanding…

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openhouseperth.net insurance

Insurance Solutions for openhouseperth.net

OpenHousePerth.net is a dynamic website that introduces people to Perth real estate prospects. It is critical that consumers have sufficient insurance coverage as they participate in this ever-changing economy. Renters and property owners alike would do well to familiarize themselves with openhouseperth.net user-specific insurance policies. Understanding Insurance for openhouseperth.net Navigating the realm of insurance can…

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Bonnie Atkinson

Bonnie Atkinson, better known by her alias, Bonnie Guillotine is a Bay Area native classically trained in printmaking. Her bold style and quirky, morbid themes naturally lead her to interest in tattooing. She is currently apprenticing at Lampblack tattoo, a new shop in San Francisco’s Mission district. We met at her apartment so I could…

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Jonathan Odom​

Jonathan Odom is from Louisiana but live and works in the Bay Area with his artist- wife Clare Szydlowski. (Who we interviewed in Spring 2015) Jonathan attended Venison Camp, our adult camp for art professionals. It was during his Labs session (like Critiques) that we got to talking about world building, the sci-fi, and what his…

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Tanya Batura

I learned about Tanya’s work through JAUS, an art gallery in West Los Angeles, earlier this year and quickly made my way to following her on social media. Her journey into the arts began early in grade school as teachers would allow her to stay inside during recess so she could color and draw. In…

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Josh Hagler

I met American artist, Joshua Hagler, at the opening of his solo show The Adopted at Jaus earlier this year. With extensive research, he’s using various mediums to explore the role of religion. The variety of figures, shapes and endless texture against large scale canvases, begs us to ask  the same questions he poses about religion, its history and our relationship…

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