Eric Coppinger

I met Eric through his Instagram @knitsbyed. The day I found his work he also discovered mine which lead to an active Insta-friendship. Over the next several months we would comment and like what the other was up to. Then one day, we both messaged each other through different online platforms about doing an art…

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Arthur Huang

A scientist and artist, Arthur Huang documents the mundane task of traveling to and from work. His art showcases the heavy task of recreating his daily routes, sometimes at the end of the day. Just shy from engraving his every move, Arthur has created a world of travels which we were fortunate enough to learn…

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Héloïse Delègue

Where is your studio space? What is it like in there? My studio is in Gothenburg in Sweden. It’s located in an industrial area not far from the sea. From my window, I can see some old boats and the bridge which leads to the city center on the other side.​My studio is a composition…

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Clare Benson

Clare Benson is a contemporary artist based in Arizona who grew up in Michigan. Benson’s work explores rural landscapes, hunting, and identity. We chose to speak with Benson because we felt her work, post election, showed a unique perspective into rural America through exploring gender roles, our relationships with the land, and climate change. Benson…

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Paula Morales

Guatemala born mixed-media artist Paula Morales explores time, migration, futurology, utility and desire in her installations, gifs, and video work. In this interview Paula speaks with us about the inspiration behind her works, and how the forms in which they take utilize us to travel through time. Your work has been described as dealing with…

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Teltlk: Revolutionizing Communication

Communication is crucial in today’s fast-paced environment, whether at work or at home. Efficient communication is key to achieving success in any endeavor, whether it’s maintaining relationships with loved ones or leading corporate meetings. However, there are limitations to traditional forms of communication, which calls for creative alternatives. We are introduced to Teltlk, a groundbreaking…

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ssis 816

SSIS 816: Streamlining Data Integration for Enhanced Efficiency

To maximize efficiency and discover new insights in today’s data-driven environment, companies depend significantly on data integration that is both simple and robust. SSIS, or SQL Server Integration Services, has been around for a long time and is a reliable solution for data management, integration, and transformation. Microsoft has introduced SSIS 816, an upgraded version…

Read More Revolutionizing Website Performance

Website performance is becoming a key component in deciding the success of online enterprises in this digital age where every millisecond matters. In addition to annoying visitors, search engines penalize slow-loading websites. Now more than ever before, though, revolutionary improvements to website performance are within reach, thanks to cutting-edge solutions like as Understanding Website…

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