Lauren Toomer​

Lauren’s work has built a bridge between science and art in the way that reminds us how enchanting the human anatomy is, even post mortem. Her series of sculptures, paintings and drawings are carefully determined through research, grazing upon the surface of potential memories and stories.  She teaches art and anatomy at Stanford University while…

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Jennifer Pettus

Jennifer Pettus applied to Venison earlier this fall. She was one of those artists who I looked at with growing en​thusiasm. As I worked my way through her portfolio my questions grew mountainous, so, I contacted her right away. Over the following months, Jennifer and I emailed back and forth, bellow is an edited down…

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Paula Morales

Guatemala born mixed-media artist Paula Morales explores time, migration, futurology, utility and desire in her installations, gifs, and video work. In this interview Paula speaks with us about the inspiration behind her works, and how the forms in which they take utilize us to travel through time. Your work has been described as dealing with…

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Julie Bahn

I stumbled upon Julie’s work on Instagram, my daily source of artistic fiber. I experienced a kind of visceral glee from gazing at her visually arresting paintings surmounted only by the longing to see (and perhaps touch) her works in person. She successfully marries a stunning painting practice with tactile elements that emerge from the canvas….

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Jennifer Huang

Jennifer Huang just finished her first year at the Art Institute of Chicago. If you have been an avid Venison Magazine reader you might recognize Jennifer’s name. She has been involved with Venison since our founding through her previous involvement in the collective Weeknight Rodeo from which we originated. This feature comes in two parts, a…

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Ryan Martin

Raised in LA and Orange County during the 80’s & 90’s, Ryan reflects back to remnants of both eras through creating artwork with vibrant color and exuberant floral elements. While his works hold minimal backstories, continually his work seems to brush upon a fleeting childhood, nostalgia, and the complex emotions of exploring adolescence. Why is art…

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Dorielle Caimi

I came across your work on Instagram and quickly became obsessed, not only by the quality of your work but also by what you actually say about your work. You’re very candid about your experience and show all the nitty-gritty truths about being a human who makes art. For us #artistsoninstagram who might be a…

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Camella Daeun Kim

We are very excited to bring you the compelling work of Camella Daeun Kim, who met our writer, Nazish at a show in LA this Spring. When she applied for a feature to our magazine, we were excited and delighted to talk with her. Camella originates from South Korea but has spent over the last…

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Anya Weitzman

Anya Weitzman and I met up over coffee and donuts in Pittsburgh, during her moving week this past April.  Anya is a sculptor, jewelry designer, metalsmith, and founder of Mod Evil Studio.  Influenced by anthropology and gender studies, Anya creates pieces that give the wearer a deep sense of their own power, following her interest in…

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Scott Andrew

Scott Andrew and I met up this March near his home in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill. Scott is a multimedia artist, whose solo work dances across immersive videos, installations, sculptures, and performances to “evoke a childlike yearning for play.” Scott is also a primary collaborator and co-founder of the Institute for New Feeling, “a research clinic committed…

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