Bonnie MacAllister

How did you realize or notice that you were an artist?  Much of my work is performative, through writing and composition of texts, plays, and songs.  I was crafting these at a young age.  In college, I was more interested in film and photography, but I was always writing and performing my words.  After starting…

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Lou Watson

What is your background in music, and what led you to combining it with performance and visual arts? Early on I had the standard parent-enforced piano and guitar lessons, and since then I’ve taught myself a handful of other instruments, but I’m not accomplished in any of them. As a kid, where I really excelled…

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Self-Portrait With Hands On Chest

He is proud, you can see it in his nose.  Some of us say you can see the soul through the eyes, but it is the nose, that genteel creature that anchors your face and yet is the most ignored judge of character. A large nose suggests a sensuous person, always smacking their lips wanting…

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The Power of u231748506: A Comprehensive Guide

A lot of people are talking about “u231748506” in today’s fast-paced internet world. A potent instrument or concept with enormous potential in many fields is what this term alludes to. If you want to be successful in any field, be it technology, business, or just plain old life, you need to know how to use…

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Ann Le

Ann Le excavates her lineage by revisiting her family’s experiences. Using archived family photos and stories, familiar symbols, and researched information, Le constructs a narrative that explores the artificial with real and remembered memories. Le’s works are layers of images, building upon each other, often touching on emigration. What information are you looking for when…

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Bryan Proteau is a 24-year-old illustrator and tattoo artist living the in the Bay Area. We met months ago after the show a band he has done illustrative work for and whose members are our mutual friends. Bryan’s mix of medieval imagery, alchemical references, and monochromatic palette have drawn attention and admiration from a many….

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Parinya Champ

Parinya Champ (b. 1984, Manhattan) is a Los Angeles based  visual artist and source-field researcher. I met him at a group show in downtown Los Angeles. What convinced me most to reach out to him was the reaction of the audience to his work, at the show. We weren’t all just in awe; we all felt…

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