How to Give a Shit No 5

Above a girl who sits on a floor, is a ball suspended in air.  Her arms are raised. The question of whether she threw it or is ready to catch escapes your mind because of the way in which time doesn’t exist here.  In stillness, raised arms can only accept the invisible; there is no…

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Bonnie MacAllister

How did you realize or notice that you were an artist?  Much of my work is performative, through writing and composition of texts, plays, and songs.  I was crafting these at a young age.  In college, I was more interested in film and photography, but I was always writing and performing my words.  After starting…

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Jennifer Pettus

Jennifer Pettus applied to Venison earlier this fall. She was one of those artists who I looked at with growing en​thusiasm. As I worked my way through her portfolio my questions grew mountainous, so, I contacted her right away. Over the following months, Jennifer and I emailed back and forth, bellow is an edited down…

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Yulia Pinkusevich

The first time I met Yulia, I was still a student at UC Berkeley and Yulia was an artist in residency at the Headlands Center for the Arts. I remember touring her studio in admiration and wide-eyed wonder. She was living the artist journey that I dreamed of, so I picked up her business card…

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Evan Holm

Evan Holm is a kinetic installation artist who utilizes sound and music machinery to make sculptures which speak towards nature, tradition, music, poetry, time, and movement. His work has a poetic quality which is a must see through his beautifully documented videos on his website When and where were you when you first started incorporating…

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Heather Swenson

Heather Swenson is a artist working with silkscreen printmaking from Rochester, New York. In this interview Clare talks to Heather printmaking, the art scene in Rochester, and Heather’s studio practice. I first saw your work at Graphic Arts Workshop (GAW) in San Francisco as a part of a print exchange show. Since I make my…

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Jonathan Odom​

Jonathan Odom is from Louisiana but live and works in the Bay Area with his artist- wife Clare Szydlowski. (Who we interviewed in Spring 2015) Jonathan attended Venison Camp, our adult camp for art professionals. It was during his Labs session (like Critiques) that we got to talking about world building, the sci-fi, and what his…

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