How to Give a Shit No 7

You were there on that shocking night. I saw you. With a few of your friends nearby, you sat on a plastic chair or a couch or on the floor talking loudly and laughing at jokes while eating pizza or cookies or drinking an alcoholic beverage. You might have even gone ahead and opened a…

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Lauren Szabo

Lauren Szabo is a San Francisco based artist originally from Los Angeles. Lauren’s work talks about our daily interactions with media, signage, advertisements, their fragility and temporality. We chose to speak with Szabo because her work took on new political context through the campaign and election. After hearing the popular phase “Make America Great Again”…

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Whit Taylor

Whit Taylor is a cartoonist, writer, and editor from New Jersey. She received a Glyph Award for her mini-comic Watermelon in 2012 and an Ignatz nomination for her series Madtown High in 2013. Some of her recent work includes The Anthropologists (Sparkplug Books), comics essays for The Nib, and Subcultures: A Comics Anthology, which she edited for Ninth Art Press. She has written for Panel Patter, Comics…

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Will Caron

​Tell me a bit about the role of art in your life and when you found an interest in illustration. I look at art–broadly, across disciplines–as a pathway or a conduit toward an altered consciousness. Even before I knew what that meant, I could still feel it, and I think that’s true of anyone. ​As…

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Risja Steeghs

How did you get into your art practice?  When I was 18, just before I was going to start art school in Arnhem, I got sick. While I waited for a cure for my illness, I bided my time by creating art from my bed. The problem was, since my illness struck my nervous system and affected my brain, painting and drawing,…

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Venison Picks: Best of 2017

Amber Imrie-Situnayake’s Picks @amberimrie I was fortunate enough to travel out to New York last weekend for three days! I took this time to indulge in a much needed art-cation, I went from galleries to museums, and returned home with a stack of new books and even some small works of art! Since this trip…

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How to Give a Shit No 5

Above a girl who sits on a floor, is a ball suspended in air.  Her arms are raised. The question of whether she threw it or is ready to catch escapes your mind because of the way in which time doesn’t exist here.  In stillness, raised arms can only accept the invisible; there is no…

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How to Give a Shit No 1

I am sitting in a small theater within the Orange County Museum of Art on Friday, April 15th between two of my favorite artists, my girlfriend Maja Ruznic and one of my closest friends Kim Kei. We’re watching the new documentary “Eva Hesse” while eating some sweet and sour turkey jerky that we snuck in, and sobbing. We’re watching the…

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How to Give a Shit No 12

A boy in red pajamas, perhaps eight years old, walks quietly and with purpose to an area in the woods where he is partially overlapped by a moss-covered tree, bending a vine or a limb out of his way as he passes. What must be morning light coruscates slowly up the tree and along the…

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Soil As Witness

After five years of intense engagement with water-based media, painter Maja Ruznic turns again to oil painting in an ongoing exploration of trauma and its untold traces in the series Soil as Witness. ​Examining trauma’s traces through the photographic medium in “Spectral Evidence”, author Ulrich Baer argues that traumatic events and the memories they produce cannot, by the…

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