Anya Weitzman

Anya Weitzman and I met up over coffee and donuts in Pittsburgh, during her moving week this past April.  Anya is a sculptor, jewelry designer, metalsmith, and founder of Mod Evil Studio.  Influenced by anthropology and gender studies, Anya creates pieces that give the wearer a deep sense of their own power, following her interest in…

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Alisha Wormsley

I met Alisha in her studio in Pittsburgh and was immediately captivated by her skill as a storyteller.  Her graceful ability to connect the dots of her own life and artist practice not only made for an easeful interview, but also demonstrated what I find so remarkable about her artworks: they playfully and seriously connect…

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Jonathan Odom​

Jonathan Odom is from Louisiana but live and works in the Bay Area with his artist- wife Clare Szydlowski. (Who we interviewed in Spring 2015) Jonathan attended Venison Camp, our adult camp for art professionals. It was during his Labs session (like Critiques) that we got to talking about world building, the sci-fi, and what his…

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Weekly Blog

Welcome to Venison’s Weekly Blog! Here you will find advice, show reviews, thoughts and short articles by the Venison Team. We welcome your input comments and thoughts in return! Interview by Danielle Schlunegger-Warner Walking into Hap Gallery in Portland I was immediately confronted with several golden and headless deer forms on a field of perfect…

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Conrad Guevara

Conrad Guevara is a sculpture, performance, and installation artist based in San Francisco. He received his masters at the San Francisco Art Institute and has gone on to do interactive, abstract solo-work as well as collaborations with Bonanza Art Collective. He was happy to meet me over coffee to discuss accessorizing, parades, and dragging stuff off the…

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Mary Grisey

Mary Grisey is a Toronto-based fiber and installation artist whose work echoes the poetry of ancient Greek mythology. Her work deals with the transformation of ephemeral materials and illustrates the inevitable toll of decay on a massive scale. She created META, a line of hand-crafted jewelry that employs ancient techniques such as weaving, braiding, natural…

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Wendy Red Star

Wendy Red Star was raised on the Apsáalooke (Crow) reservation in Montana. Red Star’s work is informed by her cultural heritage. Her work explores the intersection of Native American ideologies and colonialist structures, both in historical and in contemporary society. Wendy Red Star was chosen for this issue because her work speaks strongly about the ingrained…

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