Julie Bahn

I stumbled upon Julie’s work on Instagram, my daily source of artistic fiber. I experienced a kind of visceral glee from gazing at her visually arresting paintings surmounted only by the longing to see (and perhaps touch) her works in person. She successfully marries a stunning painting practice with tactile elements that emerge from the canvas….

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Zoe Gilbertson

Zoe Gilbertson is a UK based embroidery based artist with a experience working in the fashion industry. Over the years, Zoe has lived in Europe, Canada and founded SneakArt with her husband. In this Interview Zoe talks to us about her career as a fashion designer and the transition she took into fine arts. Your…

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Jonathan Odom​

Jonathan Odom is from Louisiana but live and works in the Bay Area with his artist- wife Clare Szydlowski. (Who we interviewed in Spring 2015) Jonathan attended Venison Camp, our adult camp for art professionals. It was during his Labs session (like Critiques) that we got to talking about world building, the sci-fi, and what his…

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