Rising Economy of Thailand 

Little by little, Thailand is coming up as one of the most important and highly-valued countries in Southeast Asia. Especially when it comes to business and investments, the country has proven itself. The location is their first selling point, a country located at the crossroads of several other neighboring countries: Myanmar, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, etc. It connects with these countries and others in the region. This fact improves its value to investors and business people. If you also consider that Thailand’s economy is diverse, although tourism is the main focus that doesn’t mean they focus solely on it. Thailand has other industries with sectors that are doing very well, like agriculture, manufacturing, and renewable energy, etc. They have embraced digitalization as well, because technology and innovation in the country has been growing very well. A lot of people want to buy property in Thailand for investment, is this a good idea at all?

Yes! Real estate is another very promising sector in Thailand. It has quickly risen as a particularly profitable sector, with ever-increasing demand, most of which is thanks to the thriving tourism in the country.  The demand and complexity of getting a comfortable property in places like Bangkok, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, etc. is even higher since these are hotspots for real estate activity, so if you manage to get an opportunity, you should grab it. Thailand’s real estate is a case worth discussing, a wide range of properties with prospects of profitable returns and good appreciation. The country already attracts a lot of expatriates and international corporations. So, it’s a perfect place to set up a new business or expand, tour, live, retire, and invest.

The Strategic Advantages of Investing in Thailand 

Why is Thailand so significant to the trade circle in the region? The country is located right in the middle of Southeast Asia, bridging the Eastern and Southern parts of Asia. With the right decision-making and foresight, Thailand has gone ahead to establish several port cities in the country. Now, you can say it is a gateway to trading with other regions, an important location for commerce, and a major player in the connection of economies of countries around it. As mentioned earlier, it has a pretty well-developed and well-managed infrastructure, and the one especially useful for potential investors is its logistics transportation systems. This helps to ease the transporting of goods and services.

Thailand’s importance was also recognized in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and being a part of the association gives access to benefits and preferential trade agreements. ASEAN is an endeavor to bring commercial countries of Southeast Asia together and open up access to a market of over five hundred million clients and consumers. So far, it seems to have been working since the economy of the countries has been witnessing substantial growth in recent times.

The location is not only what Thailand has to offer. If that was it, then they would not be regarded so highly. It is really hard to find another nation in the entire Southeastern part of Asia that can compete with Thailand, that’s how stable and strong the current Thailand economy is. The diversity of their economy alone is a point. Key sectors in Thailand include real estate, renewable energy, manufacturing, agriculture etc. Tourism and services plus real estates are the leading industries and the most lucrative currently.

What’s more is that the government has been paying close attention to their foreign investments and all other sectors. This has made them come up with many initiatives to improve the economy, encourage innovation, and foster growth through competition. The EEC (Eastern Economic Corridor) is one such initiative. The government had the idea of making the eastern part of Thailand into a commercial area, bringing in technology and innovation to highly modernize it to boost its appeal and pull in more investments. The ultimate goal of the EEC is the growth of the economy.

Real Estate Hotspots and Cities for Investment  

Real estate in Thailand itself is a hotcake, but depending on the place you acquire one, you are going to be making more profit when you compare to some other places. Thailand’s real estate is thriving, especially in the major cities. That means places like Bangkok, Hua Hin, Pattaya, Phuket, and Chiang Mai are the real deal. This is not to say other places are not worth investing in, every city in Thailand including the major cities and the ones that are not so well known has something to offer. The major cities are just more popular. The real estate and property types in Thailand are of a wide range, but you can just categorize them under residential, commercial, and industrial property, each one of these categories has different types of properties. Additionally, when compared to other countries, you will realize that the prices of property in Thailand are relatively cheaper, not cheap-cheap but more affordable. Likewise, the hotspots; that is the major cities mentioned earlier, have more potential so you can expect real estate in these places to be more expensive. 

Government Interventions, Initiatives and Incentives

The Thai government has been actively involved in efforts to make Thailand a more suitable environment for businesses. A business-friendly environment is the goal, and that is why the government has come out with many different initiatives to help the country adjust and develop even faster to accommodate all these swarming foreign investments. Their efforts have bore fruits as one can notice the improvements, especially in the aspects of infrastructure and the reduction of bureaucratic hurdles. You should see how long it took to get anything done when it comes to setting up business in Thailand previously, the processes are unnecessarily exaggerated and time-consuming. Now, a lot of the processes and protocols have been simplified to further encourage foreign investments. Take the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) as another example, the government is proactive when it comes to the business scene and they also have a lot of incentives prepared. 

How to Acquire Profitable Property Investment

Looking for the surest way to secure property and real estate in a good area? Like the major cities for example, there is no doubt that they are more likely to drive more demand than any other places in the country. Relax, the Thailand-real.estate is the only tool that you need. They are a real estate aggregator, and their job is to get a list of all available properties for sale or for rent in Thailand. Currently, they have over a hundred thousand properties of different types.

Residential properties include:

  • Apartments
  • Penthouse
  • Bungalows
  • Townhouses etc.

Commercial properties include:

  • Offices and Office spaces
  • Warehouses
  • Hotels
  • Restaurant
  • Cafes
  • Resorts etc.

Industrial properties include:

  • Factories etc.

That’s not all, they also have farmlands and development buildings listed. If you are interested in investing in other sectors apart from real estate, then this website is what you need to secure the best property for your businesses. 

Researching the Other Markets

Property investment in Thailand is profitable, still, it is not the only sector you should consider for investment. Thailand has other profitable industries and researching these for investments will help you make more informed decisions. However, in the end, you still need real estate to set up any business so don’t neglect doing further research into real estate in Thailand. The fact that the government is also actively supporting foreign investments with so many incentives means that everyone has a chance to be a part of this growing economy.