Eric Coppinger

I met Eric through his Instagram @knitsbyed. The day I found his work he also discovered mine which lead to an active Insta-friendship. Over the next several months we would comment and like what the other was up to. Then one day, we both messaged each other through different online platforms about doing an art…

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Meline H​öijer Schou

I came across Meline and her work by browsing Instagram. Initially, I couldn’t grasp what was going on. Looking at art is incredible, but understanding it is even more so. I was a bit overwhelmed, which naturally meant I had to get to know this artist. After studying her work and speaking with her—I’ve become…

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How to Give a Shit No 12

A boy in red pajamas, perhaps eight years old, walks quietly and with purpose to an area in the woods where he is partially overlapped by a moss-covered tree, bending a vine or a limb out of his way as he passes. What must be morning light coruscates slowly up the tree and along the…

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Alice Fate

I found Alice on Instagram, searching through #fiberart, I found her mandalas and I knew there was so much behind them, I wanted to learn more about the person making them: who is she, how did she know to produce them, and what might she teach us?  Alice was kind enough to meet me for…

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Weekly Blog

An NCECA 2017 Exhibition at Antler Gallery Neo Cali Clay Collective Opening Reception: Thursday, March 23rd 5pm-9pm Antler Gallery. 2728 NE Alberta St. Portland, OR. ​This month will see the NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts) 2017 conference visit Portland and Antler Gallery is honored to have been selected as an official…

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Weekly Blog

There is enigmatic simplicity, from the design of your website to your artwork. Tell me a bit about yourself – did you grow up with a lot of exposure to contemporary art? Oh not at all. Truthfully, I didn’t learn a lot about contemporary art until I was in graduate school. I grew up in…

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How to Give a Shit

Joshua Hagler explores how to give a shit about contemporary art in this ongoing series. “I never believed in any of it,” Camilla says. “I never believed in God. I never had that transformative spiritual experience that gives [other religious people] that sense of God they describe.” We sit with tea and talk in her studio, Camilla…

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Navigation at NDSM

Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Venison Magazine, my friend and colleague, Amber Imrie-Situnayake spent the majority of this past October in a shipping container. As an artist-in-residence at NDSM Treehouse in Amsterdam, she designed and installed a series of thread installations that were site-specific to one of the art city’s many shipping containers nested in a shipbuilding yard….

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Anya Weitzman

Anya Weitzman and I met up over coffee and donuts in Pittsburgh, during her moving week this past April.  Anya is a sculptor, jewelry designer, metalsmith, and founder of Mod Evil Studio.  Influenced by anthropology and gender studies, Anya creates pieces that give the wearer a deep sense of their own power, following her interest in…

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Scott Andrew

Scott Andrew and I met up this March near his home in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill. Scott is a multimedia artist, whose solo work dances across immersive videos, installations, sculptures, and performances to “evoke a childlike yearning for play.” Scott is also a primary collaborator and co-founder of the Institute for New Feeling, “a research clinic committed…

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