Ann Le

Ann Le excavates her lineage by revisiting her family’s experiences. Using archived family photos and stories, familiar symbols, and researched information, Le constructs a narrative that explores the artificial with real and remembered memories. Le’s works are layers of images, building upon each other, often touching on emigration. What information are you looking for when…

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Diego Montoya

Peru-born, New York-based artist Diego Montoya gives us a glimpse into his life as a costume designer, installation, performance, interactive, artist extraordinaire. We found Diego through instagram while searching out #wearableart. His work, while diverse seems to build upon itself, creating a unique and in-depth world. Where in Florida did you grow up and what…

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Conrad Guevara

Conrad Guevara is a sculpture, performance, and installation artist based in San Francisco. He received his masters at the San Francisco Art Institute and has gone on to do interactive, abstract solo-work as well as collaborations with Bonanza Art Collective. He was happy to meet me over coffee to discuss accessorizing, parades, and dragging stuff off the…

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