Danielle Schlunegger-Warner at The Red Fox

Join Verge PDX this Sunday for the opening reception of Danielle Schlunegger-Warner’s solo exhibition at the Red Fox in North Portland on Sunday February 12th, 7-9pm. This solo exhibition will be on display at Red Fox during regular business hours for the month of February. If you aren’t able to make the opening, be sure to stop…

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Spencer Merolla​

What was your relationship to hair before you started creating with it? My parents had a book about strange collections, and I remember seeing a photo in it of a lock of hair that belonged to Henry VIII. That made a strong impression on me — hair as a personal token that survived that many…

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Eduardo Aispuro

Tell me about your background in music, are you still a musician? What did you play? ​ Yes, but I don’t play with a band anymore. I just haven’t had the time to find one. I started by producing hip hop then I moved to punk rock, basic rock stuff, and then blues and folk. My…

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Nisha Pinjani

Hawaii based, mixed media artist, Nisha Pinjani explores mental, emotional and physical boundaries laid upon women in her hometown of Karachi through experimental printmaking. Her process includes overlapping collograph prints with sewing, weaving, and even stapling, to open up a dialogue that mirrors the restrictions women experience. What kind of research is necessary to create…

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Lucia Riffel

Why do you make the work that you do? I make the work I do because there are things I want to express that there just aren’t words for. I’m fascinated by spaces and things that simultaneously exist infinitely and not at all. The sensation of space and especially digital space is invisible yet ever…

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Caco Sato

What are your driving forces? Motivations? Muse? Introducing and sharing timeless Japanese aesthetics with a global audience. Reinterpreting Zen philosophy to be understood easily and to help incorporate it in everyday life.  Combining art and technology to encourage community interaction. Who are your inspirations? Artisans, scientists and engineers. I am inspired by people who are…

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Janarie Ricchio

Janarie Ricchio’s Artist Statement A house can express the individuality of those who inhabit them or can be used as a tool to create false personas. It is a retreat and a refuge where thoughts can be locked up inside accessible only to the self and anyone they allow in. A house is filled with…

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Eric Coppinger

I met Eric through his Instagram @knitsbyed. The day I found his work he also discovered mine which lead to an active Insta-friendship. Over the next several months we would comment and like what the other was up to. Then one day, we both messaged each other through different online platforms about doing an art…

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BUCKLEY (1989, Chula Vista, CA, USA) is a stream-of-consciousness conceptual artist whose work most frequently manifests in the form of ink drawings. She applies her “process-over-product” method to a variety of mediums, including: music, textiles, performance, installation, sculpture and experience events. Her central focus is Ecstatic Creativity through the activation of the automatic and intuitive…

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