Jonathan Odom​

Jonathan Odom is from Louisiana but live and works in the Bay Area with his artist- wife Clare Szydlowski. (Who we interviewed in Spring 2015) Jonathan attended Venison Camp, our adult camp for art professionals. It was during his Labs session (like Critiques) that we got to talking about world building, the sci-fi, and what his…

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Amanda McCavour

Amanda McCavour is a Toronto-based artist who makes drawings, installations and embroideries. Amanda uses thread as a mechanism for creating delicate three-dimensional “drawings” that explore the connections between textiles and the body. In this article, Adriana investigates her enigmatic embroidery process, her transition in and our of academia, and how it effects her artistic process….

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Margaux Crump

From the artist – “I make objects that behave like bodies. Teasing out the slippery relationship between desire, intimacy and power, these sculptural bodies are non-binary. They shift and meld into different categories, questioning what is masculine and feminine, plant and animal, cultural and natural.” There are certain places in the USA and in the…

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Weekly Blog

Welcome to Venison’s Weekly Blog! Here you will find advice, show reviews, thoughts and short articles by the Venison Team. We welcome your input comments and thoughts in return! Interview by Danielle Schlunegger-Warner Walking into Hap Gallery in Portland I was immediately confronted with several golden and headless deer forms on a field of perfect…

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Jeremiah Jenkins

Jeremiah Jenkins is a contemporary artist based in Oakland who grew up in Tennessee. Jenkin’s work explores American culture through the lies we tell ourselves, the fears we cultivate, and failures we experience. We chose to speak with Jeremiah because his work has been exposing our cultural dilemmas for some time and his work’s purpose…

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Margaret Smithers-Crump

Margaret speaks with us about her work which is inspired by a topic that got thrown under the bus this election season: climate change. “Understanding the cycles of life are core concepts in my practice. Ideas regarding vulnerability, growth, strength, powerlessness and transformation fuel my imagination and stimulate the creative process.” Growing up in Canada on…

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Tanya Batura

I learned about Tanya’s work through JAUS, an art gallery in West Los Angeles, earlier this year and quickly made my way to following her on social media. Her journey into the arts began early in grade school as teachers would allow her to stay inside during recess so she could color and draw. In…

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Clare Szydlowski

Clare Szydlowski is an Oakland-based printmaker and art educator.  She received her BA from UC Santa Cruz in 2006 and her MFA from San Francisco State University in 2009. Her work has been exhibited in galleries throughout the Bay Area including Kala Art Institute, The Lab, Interface Gallery, and The Compound Gallery. Where did you grow up? How did…

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Christina Mrozik

​I met Christina at a Modern Eden at an opening reception in 2013. She was showing there with Caitlin Hackett, a fellow amazing artist and dear friend of mine. The next day I was invited along with these artists to draw at the Science Academy in San Francisco. Since then, Christina and I have kept…

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Dan Grayber​

Dan Grayber is a Oakland Artist. He graduated from SFAI with his MFA in 2005. He is represented by Johansson Projects in Oakland, California. I met up with Dan at his recent show at Johansson Projects and we talked about his work. Let’s start near the beginning. I read that your journey started with an…

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