c.w. park usc lawsuit

c.w. park USC Lawsuit: Unraveling Allegations and Implications

Academic honesty and ethics have been at the center of several scandals in recent years. The c.w. park usc lawsuit litigation is a well-known example of this type of issue that has caused lively discussions and disputes among scholars. This page explores the lawsuit thoroughly, covering its history, accusations, effects, legal processes, and wider ramifications…

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Heather Swenson

Heather Swenson is a artist working with silkscreen printmaking from Rochester, New York. In this interview Clare talks to Heather printmaking, the art scene in Rochester, and Heather’s studio practice. I first saw your work at Graphic Arts Workshop (GAW) in San Francisco as a part of a print exchange show. Since I make my…

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Angela Gram

Adriana Villagran interviews Angela Gram, a painter, writer, and educator living and working in New Jersey.  She received a MFA from the New York Academy of Art and a BFA from Rhode Island School of Design.  She is also a co-founder of the blog Quantumartreview, a source for art criticism, essays, and interviews that investigate the intersections…

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Tanya Batura

I learned about Tanya’s work through JAUS, an art gallery in West Los Angeles, earlier this year and quickly made my way to following her on social media. Her journey into the arts began early in grade school as teachers would allow her to stay inside during recess so she could color and draw. In…

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Ann Le

Ann Le excavates her lineage by revisiting her family’s experiences. Using archived family photos and stories, familiar symbols, and researched information, Le constructs a narrative that explores the artificial with real and remembered memories. Le’s works are layers of images, building upon each other, often touching on emigration. What information are you looking for when…

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Josh Hagler

I met American artist, Joshua Hagler, at the opening of his solo show The Adopted at Jaus earlier this year. With extensive research, he’s using various mediums to explore the role of religion. The variety of figures, shapes and endless texture against large scale canvases, begs us to ask  the same questions he poses about religion, its history and our relationship…

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