Vital at Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati

Manifest Gallery 2727 Woodburn Ave Cincinnati, OH 45206, USA​Opening reception |Friday November 11, 6 -10 p.m. ​Exhibition dates | November 11th  December 9thGallery hours: Tues – Fri, Noon – 7pm Sat, Noon – 5pm or by special appointment This exhibition of Margaret Smithers-Crump’s work is one of 8 selected from among 137 proposals submitted for…

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Spencer Merolla​

What was your relationship to hair before you started creating with it? My parents had a book about strange collections, and I remember seeing a photo in it of a lock of hair that belonged to Henry VIII. That made a strong impression on me — hair as a personal token that survived that many…

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Gathering: Meet Yulia Pinkusevich

Showing July 5 – August 31, 2017 Recption: Saturday July 15, 5 – 7 pm Artist Talk: Saturday August 12, 5 – 7pm Yulia Pinkusevich was interviewed in Autumn 2015 by our founder Amber Imrie-Situnayake. Yulia has been smashing it in the last couple years since our interview. Yulia’s new work was developed while she was in residence…

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Lauren Szabo

Lauren Szabo is a San Francisco based artist originally from Los Angeles. Lauren’s work talks about our daily interactions with media, signage, advertisements, their fragility and temporality. We chose to speak with Szabo because her work took on new political context through the campaign and election. After hearing the popular phase “Make America Great Again”…

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Lucia Riffel

Why do you make the work that you do? I make the work I do because there are things I want to express that there just aren’t words for. I’m fascinated by spaces and things that simultaneously exist infinitely and not at all. The sensation of space and especially digital space is invisible yet ever…

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Caco Sato

What are your driving forces? Motivations? Muse? Introducing and sharing timeless Japanese aesthetics with a global audience. Reinterpreting Zen philosophy to be understood easily and to help incorporate it in everyday life.  Combining art and technology to encourage community interaction. Who are your inspirations? Artisans, scientists and engineers. I am inspired by people who are…

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Lou Watson

What is your background in music, and what led you to combining it with performance and visual arts? Early on I had the standard parent-enforced piano and guitar lessons, and since then I’ve taught myself a handful of other instruments, but I’m not accomplished in any of them. As a kid, where I really excelled…

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Bryan Kring

Bryan Kring is an Oakland-based book artist and graphic designer.  His enchanting images and dark humored writing are often enhanced with interactive mechanisms that pull you into another world held in the palm of your hand. I visited him in the studio to see more of his work in person and ask him about his…

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