Studio Visit with Matt Hall

​I had found out about Matt Hall’s work, like so many other artists I have found recently, through Instagram. I loved the way he was combining traditional skeletal articulation and conceptual ideas.  Pouring over the sculptures and cabinets on his website, I saw little hints of Joseph Cornell, Mark Dion, and a sort of Mellvinian…

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Eric Coppinger

I met Eric through his Instagram @knitsbyed. The day I found his work he also discovered mine which lead to an active Insta-friendship. Over the next several months we would comment and like what the other was up to. Then one day, we both messaged each other through different online platforms about doing an art…

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How to Give a Shit No 12

A boy in red pajamas, perhaps eight years old, walks quietly and with purpose to an area in the woods where he is partially overlapped by a moss-covered tree, bending a vine or a limb out of his way as he passes. What must be morning light coruscates slowly up the tree and along the…

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Alice Fate

I found Alice on Instagram, searching through #fiberart, I found her mandalas and I knew there was so much behind them, I wanted to learn more about the person making them: who is she, how did she know to produce them, and what might she teach us?  Alice was kind enough to meet me for…

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Terry Boyd

Terry Boyd, a minimalist fiber artist, has created bodies of work that express the importance of memory. He’s experimented with traditional sewing, using a bow and arrow, and is now teaching his sewing machine to think like an abstract painter. Through performance, pattern and minimalist fiber art, I explore and interrogate systems of visual language. My…

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Hiba Schahbaz

Hiba Schahbaz is a Brooklyn-based artist who works in the centuries-old art form of miniature painting. She trained in miniature painting at the National College of Arts in Lahore, Pakistan and received an MFA in Painting from Pratt Institute in New York City. Schahbaz, a Muslim woman of color, speaks critically and poetically about western…

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Sarah Ammons​

Tell me a bit about where you grew up & what your upbringing was like. ​I grew up just east of Toronto, Ontario in Canada. My family and I lived further away from town on one of the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario, so I had a kind of remote and scenic upbringing. My father is…

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Studio Visit with Chris Vogel

So I want to know, how do you make these? I understand it involves super thin wood and some kind of resin? Please tell me more! My work is very much making sense of different materials. I collect scraps like crazy and stash them at my studio throughout the year. Wood, fabric, paper, tools…it’s all…

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Clare Benson

Clare Benson is a contemporary artist based in Arizona who grew up in Michigan. Benson’s work explores rural landscapes, hunting, and identity. We chose to speak with Benson because we felt her work, post election, showed a unique perspective into rural America through exploring gender roles, our relationships with the land, and climate change. Benson…

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