Social Media Marketing: Best Practices and Strategic Framework

Social media marketing leverages platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and others to engage with audiences, build brand awareness, and drive sales. It includes activities such as posting updates, images, videos, and other content that fosters user interaction and builds a sense of community around a brand.

Best practices for social media marketing

1. Do audience research  

   Understanding your audience is crucial. Know their preferences, online habits, and interests. Use tools like CRM, Google Analytics, and social analytics to gather data. Build detailed audience personas to guide your social media strategy.


   – Analyze CRM and social analytics.

   – Add UTM parameters to social links.

   – Build audience personas.

2. Build a presence on the right networks  

   You don’t need to be on every social platform. Focus on those that align with your brand and where you can see a good ROI. Perform a social media audit to assess current efforts and secure usernames.


   – Conduct a social media audit.

   – Secure usernames.

   – Calculate ROI for each platform.

3. Use testing to refine your strategy  

   Test different content formats and posting times to see what works best. Implement A/B testing to refine your approach based on performance.


   – Test content formats and posting times.

   – Set up analytics tools for testing.

   – Survey your audience for preferences.

4. Develop clear brand guidelines  

   Create a brand style guide and social media policy to ensure consistent and recognizable branding. Establish rules for content and employee conduct.


   – Develop a brand style guide.

   – Create a social media policy.

5. Learn about algorithms and social SEO  

   Understand social media algorithms and optimize your content for search. Focus on creating educational and evergreen content that remains relevant over time.


   – Review algorithm updates.

   – Optimize content for social search.

6. Schedule your content in advance  

   Plan and schedule content to ensure quality and consistency. Use tools like Hootsuite Planner for cross-platform management.


   – Use social media scheduling tools for content management.

7. Implement a clear content-approval process  

   Establish an approval process for content to maintain brand integrity and avoid potential PR issues.


   – Set up content approval workflows.

8. Make the most of your content and digital assets  

   Repurpose content across platforms rather than just auto-sharing. Create varied content types to maximize reach and engagement.


   – Repurpose content creatively.

9. Embrace social listening  

   Monitor social channels for mentions and trends. Use insights to improve brand positioning and address issues promptly.


   – Set up your choice of social listening platform.

   – Track and respond to brand sentiment.

10. Use AI to enhance your strategy  

    Leverage AI tools for tasks like text revision, image editing, and customer service to improve efficiency and productivity.


    – Develop an AI policy.

    – Research and implement AI tools.

11. Remember social media is a customer service channel  

    Use social media to enhance customer service. Consider setting up dedicated customer service handles and links for support.


    – Create a dedicated customer service handle.

    – Include customer service links in your bio.

How to create a social media marketing strategy?

A well-defined social media strategy serves as a roadmap for achieving your marketing goals. It includes:

1. Set goals

   A successful social media strategy starts with clear, SMART goals—specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These goals guide your efforts, ensure effective use of resources, and help track metrics and ROI. Break them into smaller objectives to track progress.

2. Research your target audience

   To craft an effective plan, understand your audience’s pain points and needs. Use social media tools for data-driven insights rather than relying on assumptions. Define your audience based on demographics, psychographics, and geography, and tailor content to their preferences.

   Remember, audiences vary by platform. Adjust your approach based on the unique characteristics of each social network.

3. Select your social media channels wisely

   Choose platforms based on your audience research rather than spreading yourself too thin. Focus on channels that align with your industry and target audience. Allocate resources where you’ll get the highest ROI.

4. Determine the metrics and KPIs

   Track metrics that align with your goals rather than generic ones. For brand awareness, monitor reach, engagement, and hashtag performance. For sales, focus on clicks and conversions.

   Key metrics include:

   – Brand Awareness: Reach, engagement, hashtag performance, impressions, brand mentions.

   – Sales/Leads: Clicks, conversion rate.

   – Follower Count: Follower growth, growth rate.

   – Customer Care: Reply time, total response volume, customer satisfaction score (CSAT).

5. Create engaging content

   Develop a content strategy based on your goals, audience, and brand. Focus on:

   – Goals: Tailor content to achieve specific objectives, whether increasing sales or brand awareness.

   – Brand Voice: Maintain a unique, human voice that resonates with your audience.

   – Originality and Trendiness: Balance following trends with creating unique content based on audience preferences.

   – Consistency: Ensure a cohesive look and feel across all platforms.

6. Create a content calendar

   Plan your content with a calendar to stay organized and avoid repetition. Schedule posts for optimal engagement times and ensure availability to interact with your audience. Use AI tools for automation if resources are limited.

7. Conduct a competitive analysis

   Analyze competitors to identify industry trends and gaps. Look for opportunities by examining their strengths and weaknesses, but adapt insights to create your unique approach.

8. Evaluate and improve your strategy

   Continuously refine your strategy based on performance analysis. Use insights from each campaign to make incremental adjustments and stay aligned with trends and audience needs.


Implement clear brand guidelines, optimize for algorithms and social SEO, and maintain consistency. Plan content, follow a structured approval process, and use social listening to manage your online presence effectively.

Incorporate AI tools and view social media as a customer service channel to streamline operations. Review metrics, analyze competitors, and adjust your strategy to stay ahead and maximize social media’s potential.