Opening | Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities

Aliens with Extraordinary Ablities
​Curated by Artist, Camella DaEun Kim

Opening Reception | Saturday, May 20th, 5 – 7pm
Exhibition dates | May 20th – July 21st, 2017
​Mon – Fri, 10am – 5pm
​Immigrant Potluck | Saturday, June 10th

Fellows of Contemporary Art
​970 North Broadway #208
Los Angeles, CA 90012


The title of this group show, Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities, is a direct reference to O-1 visa approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to individuals who are classified as “aliens” possessing extraordinary ability in arts, science, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industries.

Despite having interest to take part in commonly shared discussions on “assimilation versus ​integration,” “race versus ethnicity,” “mainstream

culture versus subculture,” or “economically motivated immigration versus politically motivated evacuation,” this show is compelled to observe the dialectical process that wages within the outsiders struggling to come to terms with their social environment.

While the eight artists in the show possess distinct backgrounds and manifest disparate approaches to art, each identifies herself as a “stranger,” oscillating between being an insider and an outsider by virtue of her individuality within her own circumstances. Drawing on personal experiences related to diaspora, race, gender, queerness, and social constraints, each artist’s work subverts and confronts the negative connotations of life as a foreigner.

Furthermore, both the curator and artists collaborated by playing both roles. As a whole, Aliens with Extraordinary Abilities amalgamates works ranging from photography, video, sculpture, and sound, site-specific installations. Together, they are collectively curated to touch on the ideas of ‘home’ and expand on the paradigm of the forever immigrant with multiple places of belonging, out of places or with no place to call ‘home’.