What Can I Do With A Masters In Counselling? 

Are you considering studying for an online master of counselling but aren’t sure what career prospects it will give you? Maybe you want to study a course with several career opportunities and aren’t sure if counselling is the right choice for you? Whatever the question brought you here, we have the answers for you. 

Our brief guide today walks you through the career possibilities a master of counselling degree opens up to help you see if it’s the right step for you. 

What Is A Master Of Counselling?

A master of counselling is a postgraduate degree, which typically involves a mixture of research and practice-based learning. The course will help you develop your knowledge, skills, and understanding to help you work as a professional counsellor in various settings. 

The course will usually contain modules in ethical conduct, diversity inclusion, creative practices, and counselling theory. The goal is to equip you for any counselling environment, helping you to provide the support your clients need. A master of counselling will typically involve one or two placements, where you will put the skills you have learnt into practice. This is done with the guidance of a mentor, with regular feedback to help you improve and hone your practice. 

When applying for a master of counselling, you can check out the units taught on the course page or by contacting the provider directly. Before applying, this will allow you to see if the course aligns with your needs. 

What Can I Do With A Masters Of Counselling? 

The skills you learn in a master of counselling course apply to various counselling teams and organisations. You can find a career in any of the following: 

  • Child and adolescent counsellors 
  • Couples and relationship counsellors 
  • Community worker 
  • Family counsellor 
  • Financial counsellor 
  • Private practice counsellor 
  • Rehab counsellor 
  • Therapeutic case worker 
  • Youth work 

Outside of counselling, the course teaches you transferable skills that open up other sectors, too. You can move into education, helping others hone their practice as a counsellor or working with other students in a pastoral role. 

Counselling courses also help you step into health-services management, stepping away from a counselling role and moving into a managerial role. As the role involves managing and inspiring people, many skills you developed in your master’s course will transfer well to this role. 

Some people also choose to remain in education after their counselling course, specialising in becoming a counsellor in one specific field or continuing with a research-based postgraduate degree. Here, your skills will help you to meet deadlines and develop your practice as a counsellor. 

When considering your career after your master of counselling course, consider the topics being taught in the course. Will these allow you to enter your dream role, or will further training be required? You can use this to narrow your search and find the perfect counselling course to provide the skills you need for your dream career. We recommend looking for a course that offers general counselling units, too, as these will provide transferable skills into several counselling environments rather than teaching you how to handle one situation. 

What Qualifications Do I Need To Study A Master Of Counselling?

Every course will have slightly different entry requirements, so we recommend checking with your course provider before applying. Generally, you will need an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in any discipline. You might also need some previous work experience, and in the cases where English is not your first language, you will need to complete non-standard English language requirements. These are usually short tests or essays where you demonstrate your ability to understand and communicate in English, making it easier for you to understand the contents of the course. 

When applying for your master of counselling course, you might be asked for proof of your qualifications, usually including a copy of your degree certificate and transcripts. The full details of what is needed can be found on the course page or by contacting the course provider directly. 

Final Thoughts 

A master of counselling is an incredibly rewarding course, with many career prospects after it. Whether you want to work with children, provide financial counselling, or move into a healthcare management role, a counselling course will provide the needed skills. Make sure that the course you choose includes a variety of units that provide you with a good understanding of the theories and practices of counselling, allowing you to become the best counsellor you can be.